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It is a home-based, computerized, and proctored online English proficiency test which is available on demand. It is globally recognized by over 800 institutes in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Ireland, China, Japan, Qatar, Thailand, and other European countries.

There are several clear benefits that stand in favor of the DET if compared with other tests.

  • It can be taken from home, anytime as per the comfort of the candidate.
  • It costs merely $49; whereas, other tests in this category cost more than $200.
  • It can be completed within a short duration of 1 hour as compared to other tests which consume 3 hours on average.
  • Results can be obtained within a very short span of 48 hours after completing the test.

Candidates can appear for the test as many times as they want, but not more than twice in a 30-day window.

Preparation Course at EDU OVERSEAS PVT LTD

  • Course Duration: Depends on the current proficiency and required level of the student
  • Classes: 2 hours per day for 5 days per week
  • Core elements of the course: Skills and Language lessons, Test tips, Practice and Mock exams

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